Saturday, November 6, 2010

Parents as Teachers

D a young mother, quits her job to stay home with her five year old son to prepare him for grade one. He will be starting in a few months and she worries he might not be able to cope up with the school work so she plans to stay home and prepare him before he even steps into the class room.

P is a single mother who is often too tired to consistently work with her five year old son, who is also about to begin grade one. Her child's teacher informs her that he may have to stay behind instead of proceeding to grade one, as she feels he will not be able to cope well with the work load.
P's son, according to reports from his teacher, is poorly motivated to do his school work and this lack of intreast may lead to him becoming overwelmed. P is despondent and is plagued with guilt for not preparing her son better!

In most healthy homes, parents especially mothers take on the responsiblity of teaching their children the basics during preschool years and even as they approach the primary stage of their education. This gives such children an advantage over other children whose parents may be too busy or incapable of constantly encouraging, even sometimes forcing the child to learn.

Some teachers also send work home, for parents to do with their children. Every busy parent knows the hassle of finding time to ensure homework is completed in between busy shedules. Yet it is a "burden" most parents will gladly carry as they are committed to ensuring that their children meet the best academic standards.

Parental involvement in school work varies from complete neglect due to family problems, to the other extreme where parents do the home work for the child and stir up an excessively competitive nature in the child.

1 comment:

  1. good job.
    as a person who has some experiences with you, now i have found something more brighter and precious than what i knew before.
